Kratki dokumentarni film Impulz je prejel posebno omembo za študentski film na 1. Silver Frame festivalu, ki se je odvil v Srebrenici (BiH) od 15. do 17. julija. Čestitke režiserki in scenaristki Lari Šifrer, direktorici fotografije Veroniki Francesci Štefančič, montažerki Neži Tretnjak ter ostali filmski ekipi in mentorjem!
Žirija (Federica Giocamazzi, Hannah Jandl, Mario Husten) je zapisala:
What stood out about this film were its innovative cinematographic techniques, telling the story without dialogues but with strong visual elements. It conveys a sense of community and allows the audience to experience the rhythm of the music from surprising perspectives. We could feel your professional passion as a filmmaker for the protagonists, while also maintaining a distance that enables the audience to form their own observations. We are giving a special mention to this film for its courage in presenting a unique way to tell a story.