Dramaturgy and performing arts

The duration of the study programme is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). It combines theoretical and practical work to allow the students to acquire competences needed for independent tasks in dramaturgy, research and artistic activity. The programme links traditional theatre-related knowledge with current achievements in the field of performing arts studies. In addition, the students gain a comprehensive insight into other fields of arts and mass media.

Dramaturgy and performing arts, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Stage acting

The duration of the study programme is 1 year (60 ECTS credits) and it offers four study courses: Stage acting, Art of speech, Theatrical singing, and Puppet acting. The programme upgrades and boosts the students’ faculty to explore their personal or ensemble acting potentials; by doing so, the students are empowered to map their own artistic vision and put it into practice. While it explores current trends and performing arts theories, its theoretical framework is constantly being tested by the implementation of projects.

Stage acting, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Theatre and radio directing

The duration of the study programme is 1 year (60 ECTS credits) and it offers two study courses: Theatre directing and Radio directing. The students learn the design and specifics of a production plan (how to put into practice their ideas and AV designs, agreement on the technical implementation, casting) and acquire competences related to making strategic decisions and communicating with the creative team (co-authors, producers, as well as other experts and technical staff) on several pre-production levels in theatre and radio production.

Theatre and radio directing, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Film and television arts

The duration of the study programme is 2 years (120 ECTS credits) and it offer six study courses: Film Directing, Television directing, Cinematography, Editing, Screenwriting, and Film and television producing. The programme enables its students to be competent in artistic and professional tasks of the most demanding audio-visual projects and it is based on artistic, creative and practical design, pre-production and final implementation of art projects.

Film and television arts, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Film and television studies

The duration of the study programme is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). It provides the students with an in-depth knowledge of the audio-visual media and their content from the viewpoint of media as art as well as in terms of psychological, sociological, economic and public administration policies. The acquired competences enable the students to engage successfully in professional audio-visual policies, as well as perform tasks in management, journalism, writing reviews and editing. The basic characteristic of this study programme is the combination of practical artistic knowledge with comprehensive studies of scientific research and theories in the increasingly expanding audio-visual domain.

Film and television studies, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Speech forms

The duration of the study programme is 2 years (120 ECTS credits) and it offers two study courses: Spoken text formation and Speech communication. The syllabus provides students with in-depth knowledge of basic laws of speech, particularities of spoken Slovenian language, artistic and non-artistic speech, as well as theoretical and practical communication guidelines for verbal expression in a variety of circumstances. In the course of the study programme, students get to know the basic principles of scientific research into spoken language and writing professional texts on spoken language. The programme enables them to become independent professionals in the field of speech for Slovenian media, cultural and research communities. For teachers, it provides professional starting points for more efficient speech performance in the teaching process.

Speech forms, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Scene design

The duration of the study programme is 2 years (120 ECTS credits) and it offers two study courses: Set design and Costume design. Its aim is to provide artistic and professional training to students who wish to work on art projects in set design, costume design as well as light design. The study programme combines gaining theoretical background and practical experience and is designed individually, in accordance with the student’s undergraduate knowledge, talent and proposed MA thesis subject.

Scene design, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

Art of movement

The duration of the study programme is 2 years (120 ECTS credits) and it offers two study courses: Art of movement and Movement in space. Content-wise, the programme is diversely designed, yet its features are simultaneously inter-connected from the viewpoint of new professional insights. In addition to dance and theatre practitioners, it offers a chance of gaining education to future dance and theatre theoreticians as well as experts in other fields who recognise the study of the art of movement to be a useful possibility for connecting with innovative form and content.

Art of movement, 2nd cycle (2023/2024)

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