The Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (in Slovene: Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo – AGRFT) is actively involved in the international community with its educational, artistic and research activities. It is a member of many prominent international professional associations, such as Fédération internationale pour la recherche théâtrale – International Federation for Theatre Research (FIRT/IFTR), the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), Centre international de liaison des écoles de cinéma et de télévision – International Association of Schools of Cinema and Television (CILECT) and others.

International cooperation is organised through student exchanges and staff mobilities between AGRFT and foreign partner institutions, guest appearances at theatre and film festivals, where the academy presents its achievements, and within the framework of research programmes and projects that include academic staff. In addition, it is an intrinsic feature of AGRFT’s teaching process to host guest lecturers – academics, researchers, experts and artists in the field of performing arts, film and television.

International office

Pia Mikolič, Head of International Office and Public Relations
Trubarjeva 3, 4th floor, room 406

Any questions regarding international cooperation at AGRFT can be sent to is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@lano1737175145itanr1737175145etni1737175145.

Departmental coordinators

Bachelor (1st cycle) and Master (2nd cycle):
– prof. dr. Tomaž Toporišič for dramaturgy and performing arts
– prof. Tomaž Gubenšek for theatre and radio
– assist. prof. dr. Polona Petek for film and television

PhD (3rd cycle):
– prof. dr. Barbara Orel for performing arts studies
– assist. prof. dr. Polona Petek for film and television studies


Most student and staff mobilities are carried out via the Erasmus+ programme, where AGRFT takes part as a member of the University of Ljubljana (Erasmus code: SI LJUBLJA01).

Study exchange at AGRFT

Due to AGRFT’s limited space and human resources we only offer Erasmus+ study exchanges to students of our partner institutions. For the same reason we do not accept freemovers.

Please note that the language of instruction is Slovene. It is therefore recommended that foreign students master Slovene at least at an intermediate level to be able to follow classes.

Regardless of that, AGRFT offers all incoming students consultations with lecturers in a foreign language, provides them with summaries of lectures in a foreign language and allows them to pass course requirements in a foreign language (in most cases English).

A Slovene language course for Erasmus+ students is offered by the University of Ljubljana before the beginning of each semester. For all those who wish to learn Slovene on their own in a simple, playful and effective way, Slovene Learning Online is a freely accessible online course in Slovene for foreigners, developed by the Centre for Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language.

The list of courses offered to Erasmus+ students in 2024/2025 can be found here.

Students conducting their study exchange at AGRFT for only one semester may choose all-year courses but must divide the number of ECTS in half.

Students can only enrol in practical courses if there is still space in the course and if they have sufficient preknowledge of the field. The decision on acceptance into these courses is in the hands of the professor. Students must include their references in the fields of desired practical courses in their portfolio.

Students of Bachelor study programmes may request courses offered by AGRFT at the Master level if they have sufficient preknowledge of the field. The decision on acceptance into these courses is in the hands of the professor.
Students of Master study programmes may only choose courses offered by AGRFT at the Bachelor level if there are no comparable courses offered at the Master level.

The candidate’s home institution must nominate the student to is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@lano1737175145itanr1737175145etni1737175145 before May 15th for the first semester and before November 15th for the second semester.

The nomination must include the student’s name, e-mail address, field of study, study cycle, year of study and exchange period.

To apply for an Erasmus+ study exchange at AGRFT, the nominated student must:

1. Fill in the online application form and upload:

  • their proposed Learning Agreement (LA) stating their chosen courses (see Courses offered to incoming students); the LA must be signed by the student and their home institution’s coordinator
  • a transcript of records from their home institution
  • a certificate of Slovene or English language proficiency at least at the level B2 on the CEFR scale of the European Language Portfolio Levels (students of partner institutions based in English-speaking countries are exempt from this requirement)
  • a scan of their passport or national ID

2. The student must also send a portfolio of their previous artwork (or list of references with brief descriptions of their experience in their field of study) via e-mail to is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@lano1737175145itanr1737175145etni1737175145.

The deadline for applications is May 15th for the first semester and November 15th for the second semester. AGRFT will notify candidates of its decision on acceptance after reviewing the application documents.

NameUniversity of Ljubljana
Faculty/DepartmentAcademy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television
Erasmus codeSI LJUBLJA01
AddressTrubarjeva 3, 1000 Ljubljana
Contact personPia Mikolič, Head of International Office, is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@lano1737175145itanr1737175145etni1737175145
Responsible personBachelor and Master (1st and 2nd cycle)
Tomaž Gubenšek, is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@kesn1737175145ebug.1737175145zamot1737175145, Erasmus+ coordinator
Tomaž Toporišič, is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@cisi1737175145ropot1737175145.zamo1737175145t1737175145, Erasmus+ coordinator
Polona Petek, is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@kete1737175145p.ano1737175145lop1737175145, Erasmus+ coordinator

PhD (3rd cycle)
Barbara Orel, is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@lero1737175145.arab1737175145rab1737175145, Erasmus+ coordinator
Polona Petek, is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@kete1737175145p.ano1737175145lop1737175145, Erasmus+ coordinator

The academic calendar for 2024/2025 can be found here.

Local gradesMark rangeECTS grades
10 (excellent)91–100%A
9 (very good)81–90%B
8 (good)71–80%C
7 (solid)61–70%D
6 (pass)51–60%E
5 (fail)50% or lessF

Useful information for incoming students

Here you can find some useful information for your stay in Ljubljana. You can find additional information on the University of Ljubljana’s website Exchanges.

Student dormitories

The possibilities of staying in one of Ljubljana’s student dormitories are very limited and work on a first come, first served basis. You can apply for a room at a student dorm via the University of Ljubljana’s online application form.

You can find all available information regarding the dorms and contact information for further inquiries on ŠDL’s website.

Private housing

For advice on how and where to look for private accommodation in Ljubljana, contact the Student organisation of the University of Ljubljana at is.jl1737175145-uos@1737175145smoor1737175145.

You can also look for accommodation at the following websites:
Erasmus Play
Housing Anywhere
Visit Ljubljana
Kamrica (in Slovene)
Posredovalnica sob m2 (in Slovene)
Facebook group Stanovanjce, stanovanjce, kje si? (in Slovene)

A temporary residence permit is obligatory for all EU and EEA citizens staying in Slovenia for more than 90 days and for all citizens of non-EU/EEA countries and must be arranged within 90 days of entering the country.

The registration of a temporary residence must be arranged within 8 days of obtaining the temporary residence permit.

You can find more information on the website of the University of Ljubljana.

International students coming from EU and EEA member countries, Switzerland or the UK have the right to obtain emergency or necessary healthcare services during their temporary residence in the Republic of Slovenia upon submission of evidence of their status: the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a certificate as a substitute for EHIC that is issued by the competent state.

Health insurance for international students from other countries differs based on their country of origin.

You can find more information on health insurance on the websites of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, the University of Ljubljana and the Student Health Centre.


The public transport operator is Ljubljanski potniški promet (LPP). You can pay for a bus ride using a payment card, Urbana card, or the Urbana mobile app (learn more about the payment options here).

As an exchange student at AGRFT you are entitled to a subsidised monthly pass:

  • You will require your personal registration number (EMŠO), which you will receive upon your arrival at AGRFT.
  • With your personal registration number (EMŠO) and ID card/passport go to the LPP Ticket Office at Slovenska cesta 56 (see the working times).
Bike rental

BicikeLJ is Ljubljana’s single-ride bicycle rental system. Register on their website and pay the subscription; you can then rent any of the bikes in the system.

As an exchange student at AGRFT you are entitled to subsidized student meals in selected restaurants in Ljubljana and other cities in Slovenia. You can find the list of restaurants here. Please note that subsidized student meals are not available between July 15th and August 15th.

To join the system of subsidized student meals, follow the registration procedure described here. To complete your registration, you will require your personal registration number (EMŠO) and a student ID card (or certificate of enrolment), both of which will be provided to you upon your arrival at AGRFT. Once you have obtained both documents and submitted the online pre-registration form, complete the registration process by visiting the local info point for student meals at Pivovarniška ulica 6 (see the working times).

If you have medical issues, contact the Student Health Centre of the University of Ljubljana, located at Aškerčeva cesta 4.

To visit the Student Health Centre, you have to make an appointment. You will need to present your European Health Insurance Card or your insurance policy.

Staff mobility at AGRFT

For mobility of academic or professional/technical staff at AGRFT please contact the international office at is.jl1737175145-inu.1737175145tfrga1737175145@lano1737175145itanr1737175145etni1737175145: include your name and sending institution and state the desired type of mobility, department/office at AGRFT you are interested in and expected/possible dates of your visit.

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